Finally, a book written for students to start successful self-employed careers! "Student Freelancing 101" is written like a course, taking students through ten lessons aimed at providing start-to-finish research, planning, executing, and growing of their freelancing careers.
With over 200 pages full of content, "Student Freelancing 101" is formatted like a workbook, allowing you space to write your thoughts and ideas as you move through the course. "Student Freelancing 101" comes in three formats: paperback, ebook, or bundle versions.
Learn More!In a clever, familiar student workbook format, "Student Freelancing 101" clearly covers everything from documenting ideas and choosing a business name to marketing and working with clients. Having experiencing life as a student freelancer without the insight and thorough guides this book provides, I would strongly recommend Student Freelancing 101 to anyone either considering, starting or already actively freelancing as a student. When it comes to making the most out of your time while in school, gaining experience in your field and building connections, student freelancing is the exciting, creative, entrepreneurial way to go – and this is the guide for you.
How I wish that this book had existed years ago when I first began freelancing while attending college courses, cluelessly jumping head first into the choppy waters of starting my own business. This book would have been a much-needed lifeline when I encountered challenges like nightmare clients or struggles with pricing my work, and might have allowed me to avoid some of those challenges in the first place! "Student Freelancing 101" gives business-minded students the tools they need to make a solid business plan, create goals for their success, and to get a realistic and accurate view of what day to day freelancing is really like. I think this book would be extremely helpful to anyone considering taking the plunge into freelancing as a student (or even just in general), and I would highly recommend it as required reading.
Generally courses within any graphic design curriculum are focused on the best interest of the customer, in our Professional Practices class (GD4985) we try to adhere to best practices to protect the designer. Student Freelancing 101 is the perfect companion text for this class and have since made it a requirement. The text is well thought out, easy to digest and complete in the requirements of freelancing. I only wish I had this resource when I started out in 1997.
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